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These are all tools we use here at Efficient App. We've used just about every software in each of these categories in-depth over the past decade. And with that, we're here to tell you that these 5 productivity tools are the leaders in their respective categories.
We feel confident that each will be dominating their respective category for many years to come.
These are the five greatest productivity tools of our time.
First up is Arc, it's our browser—you can set up different workspaces to work in, and you can even create subfolders for all your different workflows.
Next up is Motion it's our project management tool and it literally schedules all of our tasks right on our calendar around our meetings and calls.
Next up is Dispatch which allows you to use Slack similar to how you would use your inbox—you can snooze messages and you can Mark messages as done.
Then we have Superhuman which is the greatest email tool of all time it makes checking your emails enjoyable and actually fun and just check out how fast I triage my inbox on my phone.
Finally we have Dashlane which is a really cool password manager it works across your phone and across your browser and it just stores all your passwords making your life so much easier.
Which one of these is your favorite?